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There are all kinds of liners !


For Container and Packaging, liners are very important. The liners that I am referring to are closure liners. We offer a myriad of liner options that can suit all types of products. 

Foam Liner (F217) 

This liner is a circular piece of PE foam that stays inside of the cap. It offers a repeat use, non-sealing option for your container when the closure is tightened onto the neck. It is not tamper evident, but it can help keep your product fresh and provide general-purpose leaking from occurring.

Pressure Sensitive Liner (PS)

A pressure sensitive liner has beads of glue that break as you tighten the closure onto the container neck. As the beads of glue dry, they help seal to all container materials with varying degrees of adhesion. This allows a measure of tamper evidence without the need to purchase heat induction equipment. For a proper seal to occur, it is recommended that the neck of the container be clear of any powder or liquid and that you allow the cap to sit for 24 to 48 hours.

Heat Induction Seal Liner (HIS)

A HIS liner offers the best seal of the liners listed. This single-use liner provides a hermetic seal that can be both air and watertight. To seal this liner, you need access to an induction seal machine. We offer a manual machine on our website and larger automatic machines can be purchased from packaging machine distributors. With a HIS liner, you need to make sure that you have a liner that matches with the material of the container that you are pairing it with. There is a variety of styles of HIS liners including pull-tab, tri-tab, clean peel, universal, welded seal, plus more. These liners are available as either a one-piece or a two-piece (includes a backing that separates from the HIS seal).

Plastisol Liner (Plastisol Liners)

A plastisol liner is included in metal lids and can be sealed with glass containers. The plastisol liner is activated through heat like a hot-fill or water-bath. Please refer to our past blog that introduces the different types of plastisol liners to determine what will work best for your product.

This is not a complete list of liner options, but it gives you a broad view of the main types that we stock. Give us a call because we love to talk about packaging and we have a team of knowledgeable packaging experts that are ready to geek out with you on all things packaging.