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Some Interesting Wine Packaging Trends


Mordor Intelligence estimated that the global wine packaging industry will grow by 2.65% between 2021 and 2026. Some of the packaging trends that are expected to be popular in the future are bottle wraps, twist-off corks, thinner eco-glass, shrink-wrap sleeves, laser-cut labels, smaller wine bottles, and paper bottles.

Companies, in their own way, are trying to beat the competition by introducing varieties of wine packages that have either never existed or have once been used hundreds of years before. Examples of such innovations are plastic bottle boxes, cans, kegs, and wine bottles of different sizes.

A practical example of the high demand for wine can be linked to the United States, where behavior experts have attributed the increased demand for four-pack and 187 ml wine bottles to its portable nature.

According to an assessment by Life Cycle Inventory, glass bottles are reused 20 times before they are finally recycled. In a move to extend the idea of eco-friendly wine bottles, the industry practitioners have also introduced the resealable bottle pop-tops, gradually pushing the idea to attain wide acceptance.